Jul 22, 2019 | Podcast (Past Shows)
Theme: July 19, 2019: WILLIAM F. HILL, Jr. former host of the “Confessing Our Hope” podcast of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Taylors, SC, & Pastor of the Fellowship Presbyterian Church (PCA), Newport, TN, who will address: PART...
Jul 18, 2019 | Podcast (Past Shows)
Theme: July 17, 2019: Cody Curtis, composer & leader of Psallos, who will discuss: “A CALL FOR WORSHIP CONSISTENT with GOD’s WORD, Rich in SOUND DOCTRINE, & INTELLIGIBLE for the SAKE of EDIFICATION” Subscribe: iTunes TuneIn Android...
Jul 17, 2019 | Podcast (Past Shows)
Theme: July 16, 2019: Cody Curtis, composer & leader of Psallos, who will discuss: “A CALL FOR WORSHIP CONSISTENT with GOD’s WORD, Rich in SOUND DOCTRINE, & INTELLIGIBLE for the SAKE of EDIFICATION” Subscribe: iTunes TuneIn Android...
Jul 16, 2019 | Podcast (Past Shows)
Theme: July 15, 2019: JASON WALLACE, pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church of Magna, Utah (OPC), & producer of LDS.Video who will discuss: “The ATHEIST ILLUSION” Subscribe: iTunes TuneIn Android RSS Feed Listen:...
Jul 15, 2019 | Podcast (Past Shows)
Theme: July 12, 2019: RUTLEDGE E. ETHERIDGE III, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies @ Geneva College, who will address: “GOD BREATHED: Connecting Through Scripture to God, Others, the Natural World, & Yourself” Subscribe: iTunes TuneIn...