February 16, 2018 Show with Stefan Bomberger on “A Christian Outreach to the Survivors & Community of Parkland, FL, in the Wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Massacre”

Theme: February 16, 2018: STEFAN BOMBERGER, Outreach Pastor at Riverside Church in Broward County, FL, County Director for First Priority, which supports evangelistic Christian clubs in the public schools of South Florida, overseer of 88 FP campus clubs, including the...

February 14, 2018 Show with Henry Jansma and Matt Kennedy on “To Ash or Not to Ash? That is the Question for Two Reformation Anglicans of Opposing Views on Ash Wednesday” PLUS Mike Gaydosh on “New Offers From Solid Ground Christian Books”

Theme: February 14, 2018: Henry Jansma, Rector of the All Souls Anglican Church of Cherry Hill, NJ, *AND* Matt Kennedy, Rector of the Anglican Church of the Good Shepherd, Binghamton, NY, who will address: “To ASH Or NOT To ASH? That is the Question For 2...