February 29, 2016 Show with John R. Lott, Jr. on “More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime & Gun Control Laws” PLUS Dr. Ron Gleason on “God & Guns: The Christian Right & Duty to Protect Self & Family”

Theme: February 29th: JOHN R. LOTT, Jr., author of “MORE GUNS, LESS CRIME: Understanding Crime & Gun Control Laws” *PLUS* author/pastor DR. RON GLEASON, Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church (PCA), Yorba Linda, CA, on “GOD & GUNS: The Christian...

February 23, 2016 Show with Michael J. Kruger on “Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins & Authority of the New Testament Books” plus Richard Barcellos on “Better Than the Beginning: Creation in Biblical Perspective”

Theme: February 23rd: MICHAEL J. KRUGER, President of Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, NC on “CANON REVISITED: Establishing the Origins & Authority of the New Testament Books” *PLUS* author/pastor RICHARD BARCELLOS, Pastor of Grace Reformed...

February 19, 2016 Show with Philip DeCourcy on “Testimony of a Royal Ulster Constable During Years of Terrorism in Northern Ireland” plus Joe Thorn on “Judging Another’s Faith: A Response to the Trump vs. Pope Francis Controversy”

Theme: February 19th: PHILIP DeCOURCY, host of “KNOW THE TRUTH” on “Testimony of a ROYAL ULSTER CONSTABLE During Years of Terrorism in Northern Ireland” *PLUS* author/pastor JOE THORN on “JUDGING ANOTHER’s FAITH: A Response to the...