WED., JULY 1: Cecil Andrews, director of Take Heed Ministries in Northern Ireland (, discusses: “The 4 MARKS of a CULT”
THURS., JULY 2: Jennifer Nizza-Hofacker, a former occultic medium who was saved by the mercy & grace of Christ discusses “THE DELIVERANCE of an OCCULTIC MEDIUM”
FRI., JULY 3: Dr. Peter Lillback, President of Westminster Theological Seminary, discusses: “GEORGE WASHINGTON’s SACRED FIRE”
MON., JULY 6: Michael A Gaydosh, founder of Solid Ground Christian Books, discusses: “PART 2: The PROVIDENCE of GOD”
TUES., JULY 7: John Samson, pastor of King’s Church in Peoria, AZ ( & www.
WED., JULY 8: Mack Tomlinson, Pastor of Providence Chapel in Denton, TX (, discusses: “THE MARKS of BIBLICALLY FAITHFUL PREACHING”
THURS., JULY 9: Nancy A. Almodovar, Reformed Christian author & counselor discusses her new book: “PRAYERS of COMFORT: DAILY PETITIONS from the HEIDELBERG CATECHISM”
FRI., JULY 10: Deborah Antignano, an ex-Jehovah’s Witness & Christian recording artist discusses: “A THEOLOGICAL CAPTIVE to a CULT SET FREE (& Her Discovery of & Love For the Theology of the Protestant Reformation)”
MON., JULY 13: Walter Chantry, retired pastor of Grace Baptist Church of Carlisle, PA & pioneer of the Reformed Baptist resurgence in mid-20th century America, discusses his timeless, classic work: “TODAY’s GOSPEL: AUTHENTIC or SYNTHETIC?”
TUES., JULY 14: Jeff Rose of Jeremiah Cry Ministries ( & the Herald Society, discusses: “DISPELLING the MYTH that CALVINISM HINDERS EVANGELISTIC ZEAL”
WED., JULY 15: Mark Lukens, Pastor of Providence Baptist Church in Norfolk, MA (www.
THURS., JULY 16: Keith N Jennifer Foskey, Pastor of Sovereign Grace Family Church in Jacksonville, FL (, discusses: “PART 2: HOW SOVEREIGN GRACE LED a CHURCH OUT FROM a LIBERAL DENOMINATION”
FRI., JULY 17: Karim Shamsi-Basha, a Muslim convert to Christianity, discusses his book: “PAUL & ME: A Journey to and from the Damascus Road, FROM ISLAM TO CHRIST”
We can never thank these wonderful brethren enough, without whom the relaunching of “Iron Sharpens Iron” would not be possible: